2nd Corinthians 2:11 says ‘lest Satan should take advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices’…
When the Spirit of GOD told me to take on this series, so He might reveal some devices of the enemy to me… I was scared, reluctant, and not interested… Who wants to learn about evil spirits… little did I know that the devices devil use are some sneaky, tricky, common yet extremely powerful to buffet anyone, no matter the status…
These vices are in our world today… little wonders we see not many answers to prayers… Understanding the works of darkness will amaze you and cause you to shiver, wondering how exposed and vulnerable we all are…
How then do we overcome them? Understanding the works of darkness…helps checkmate these vices in our lives, lest Satan should take advantage of us.
pst tomowo –
Our GOD is GOOD and HIS MERCIES endure forever more, Amen