‘tomowo Faduyile George (pst tomowo) is a passionate lover of GOD.
She is full of PASSION and POWER.
A dynamic teacher of the WORD with the vivid presence of GOD’s ANOINTING. A lover of people, team player, peace-loving, gentle and beautiful lady.
pst tomowo is called into TEACHING and MINISTERING of GOD’s GRACE, endowed with GOD’s PRESENCE, POWER and GOODNESS.
She is known for her soft touch of motherly love, ready to Give, BLESS and Support. pst tomowo is always armed with a sweet smile and a word of encouragement for anyone that meets her, every time. She is easily drawn to people in need, especially women, young adults and children.
Tomowo Faduyile George worked with the Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja, Nigeria, Africa as a Consultant Public Health Pharmacist from November 2006 till January 2015 when she voluntarily disengaged to follow the leading of GOD into Full-time Ministry.
Similarly, she served as an independent public health pharmacist in different capacities locally and with international NGOs, thereby earning several AWARDs for her contributions toward improving maternal and child health through the community pharmacy interventions in Nigeria.
Hereafter, Tomowo now takes up short term consultancies as Public Health Pharmacist Consultant with many International Non Governmental Organizations for maternal and child health/Public Health in Nigeria and oversees. She also engages in business.
She is happily married.
pst tomowo believes in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of GOD, sent forth to die for the sins of all men so that men can be reconciled back to GOD and be adopted as Sons of GOD with power!
She received Jesus as Her Lord and Saviour on March 23rd, 1993. Filled with the HOLY GHOST with the evidence of Speaking in Tongues and a Passionate lover of GOD.
pst tomowo had served in several leadership capacities in different Christian fora and gatherings over the years. However, in February 2012, she heeded the call of GOD on her life to ‘CARRY THE BIBLE’ and PREACH THE WORD OF GRACE as a minister.
In preparations for this work of ministry, pst tomowo attended The Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI) and bagged the Basic Certificate Course, Leadership Certificate Course and the Leadership Diploma Course, both in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. She also attended several online Bible training and seminars.
Thereafter, The Ministry, Sisters Companion, (the very first mandate given to her), started in August 2012 after careful preparations, praying, training and GOD’s leading. This has evolved over the years to the Full Ministry -THE CHURCH IN THE AIR we now have today.
Presently, pst tomowo attends Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC), Prayer City, London, United Kingdom as her covering church. She is a LIFE Coach and a regular Guest Speaker in many Churches and Christian Gatherings across the nation.
Finally, pst tomowo submits and follows keenly under God’s leading, Br. Kenneth Copeland of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, Texas, USA as her FATHER, ROLE MODEL & MENTOR IN THE LORD.
pst tomowo’s popular slogan is ‘I’ve got a THING with JEHOVAH’